Cloned Partition Drive Letter Issue

2 Logical Drives In question (I have about 8, but these are the 2 that are relevant)


G = Windows Xp (Primary Studio Drive)

F  = Windows Xp (Secondary CLone of Studio Drive)


I do all of my work on drive G, but I need to instal programs for testing then uninstal. I do not want to do this on my primary work drive. So I want to clone G to Drive F to do all my testing there.


So I clone Drive G to F using the Norton ghost 14 utility clone to another Drive. This works great, and I am able to boot into the cloned drive. But then 2 problems Arise.


1) The cloned Drive Steals the drive letter assignment G. and now my original G is now F.

2) The programs I use are referenced to save changes to Drive G.


So I am wondering2 things.


1) How do I make it so that when I clone G to F, G retains the drive assignment G.

2) What is the best way to change the software drive assignments where changes are made on the Cloned to its own drive? 


Thanks in advance,