Hi, ha vign previously used norton ghost in past and found it to be amazing software... and having LOST my cd and key.. i thought id buy a new licence and use this programme again.
I have an old pc that i love...does all i need and more even though my lappy is much higher spec! Its 3 gig single core with a gig ram...but its VERY slow to start up.... and its getting a bit conjested... so ive decided to put all of the stuff from mydocuments my videos and my pictures and my music onto a seperate SATA hard drive... and clone the remainder of the C drive onto a lovely fast 60gb SSD. Its got loads of little programmes on it...stuff that ive paid forlicences etc but dont use all the time... reinstalling everything would be a nightmare, possibly a few days work.
Anyway... all my data is transferred... my 120 gigs on a 160 gb ide drive is now down to less than 30 gigs... ive updated my norton ghost with the latest version and updated my windows xp deleted some rubbish done a scan for adaware and ready for cloning...
2 attempts later... no success. Ive done what people say... NOT to format the SSD drive with a full format but just a quick one. What i end up with is a ssd that starts to boot up and doesnt. I think the first time it did boot up but didnt work properly.. so i treid again after updating ghost. This time i just get the blue screen... as if its going to start.. but nothing happens.
Im back to the ide drive again.. where next! Im reading about AHCI settings is there something i need to do here? Is it in the bios? I really have no idea what it is or what the 'allignment' thing people are talking about is... i thought norton ghost would sort it all!