Noticed that with NS 2015, Symantec is moving to the cloud-powered AV's:
"Security is moving to the cloud, resulting in reduced on-disk definition size and real-time access to the Symantec Global Intelligence Network"
and also the definitions installer on the download page ( is about 340 MB in size, while the definitions downloaded by the beta is only ~40 MB (can be found here: C:\Users\Public\Downloads\Norton\{NS220067-Beta-FSD50051} -> symcdefs.exe)
And also at the same time, it seems the pulse updates (which were part of the product since 2009) have been removed from the product. (On the updates settings (Settings -> Antivirus -> Antispyware and Updates tab) Pulse Updates switch has been removed, and LiveUpdate no longer downloads Pulse Updates - this can be checked on the LU history -)
Are pulse updates replaced by the cloud technology?
Does this mean, without Internet access, the protection is not that strong as it is with connection? And what happens when a user plug in an infected flashdrive or USB HDD while no connection?