While I've given up on ever hoping to see Norton fix the Toolbar/Identity Safe/Firefox multiple login problem in my lifetime, following the updates Comcast/Norton released last week (to NSS now I'm seeing major other problems with NSS.
In particular, the Backup utility has now apparently stopped working altogether. I do local backups to a 2nd internal hard disk. No matter how may times I run Norton backups, every file I wish to backup is now marked with a red X. Checking the properties of each file indicates that no backup info is available. I've cleared backup sets and recreated them several times over, but to no avail.
So let's list all the current problems with NSS/NTB:
1. The NTB/Identity Safe times out with Firefox for sites with multiple logins within 30 minutes of starting a session. This problem has continued for at least a year now as documented by scores of other frustrated customers on other parts of this forum.
2. Following last week's "updates", the NTB has once again generated a major memory leak with Firefox. For the 3 weeks Comcast customers were waiting for the NTB updates, Firefox was completely stable. The moment the NTB updates were applied the Firefox memory leak came back full force. If I disable NTB, Firefox returns to normal as well.
3. And now to complete the hat trick, since applying last week's Comcast/Norton updates, Norton backups have apparently come to a screeching halt.
Please tell me, with all these endless problems, how can Comcast/Norton customers be assured that your software is providing, at the very least, any protection from viruses and other malware?