Community members posting private advertisements

Note: Please do not post Personally Identifiable Information like email address, personal phone number, physical home address, product key etc.

Detailed description:

Product & version number:

Windows 11 Latest update

The following community user using this forum for private advertisement, in this case roofing samirgang3

In the new forum is there any way to contact the moderator about a particular post?

Can’t see any where.

@mgirons , @xjoex
click three dots (show more) > click flag (flag this post)


bjm . sorry but cannot locate the 3 dots - could you please provide a bit more detail please, possibly a step by step guide. Unable to locate anything on your screen shots.



Best I can get is the solution line - Solution - Like - Copy Link - Bookmark - Reply

Oh!? then maybe you don’t see as I see. Sorry!
@peterweb is trying to find out what’s what

Thanks - severe case old age here

I think that bjm has a higher level of permissions within the forum that allows access to the moderators.

I also cannot see three dots and no flag.

Oh! bad…I was not aware. Thanks

As @bjm noted above, I have asked for clarification on whether all users are supposed to have the ability to flag spam. I’ll follow up if I hear anything.

Thanks all. If users are unable to report these, it begs the question to why Norton are not picking them up in the first place. Month or so ago had quite a few these coming thru’ from various ‘sellers’

samirgang3 Selling carpets today

The new forum’s spam filtering needs to be trained. As these posts get reported, we should see less spam getting through.