Computer replacement-transfer NIS - use 2012 cd???

for huwyngr:    Will reply to your last answer to me about other question - it's cold here & hands don't want to move to  type:




                this is about removing trial AV from new computer when it's finally hooked-up:

              1. Know about getting that company's removal-tool but read on it's site probably not necessary since current program on Win 8 machines require only control panel-delete. Do you agree?

               2. but 'if' i still do both (belt-suspenders operation) know i can download it on new computer since it will protected while on the internet & protected ;

               3  once i save the removal-tool  (is there a desktop placement available in win 8  for fast acess to download?  have yet to try an 8-machine) i assume i can then exit ''internet' by closing out  IE, and then i can then do the 'uninstall'  from control panel (and maybe the  removal tool while off-line;

               4.  ok - now my new computer is ready to have norton transferred:

                         if i have my 2012 disc (and key) could i do an install -i know there will be tons of updates but i thought maybe it's 'better' that way for a 'clean install' rather than having Norton transfer my current NIS ;

                         Here's the big question and why i'm confused:   once trial AV is gone from new computer i will have a computer with no protection - NISS would be transferred but doesn't that require my machine being on the internet with no protection inorder to receive the transfer of my NIS if i do it via Norton directly?

                          it's been so long since i've done anything like this (i must have cause i went from '95' to a new XP machine while still with Norton)...but i just don't recall - been a good 8 years -- I realize i've asked some of these questions but i'm still insure about doing all of this least i allow my machine to get a virus due to my stupidity !   LOL ... i tried reading others 'solved-transfers' to no avail (at least for me)   thanks in advance - Edythe