I have a Sony Vaio laptop running Windows 8, with Norton Security installed, that I think is badly infected. I tried using Norton Power Eraser, nothing found. I tried making a bootable DVD using Norton Bootable Recovery Tool on another computer. I was able to set the infected computer to boot first from CD. It doesn't though, it loads Windows. I was also able to set the infected computer to *only* boot from CD, and it gives me an error message "operating system not found". I already tried booting while connected to my cable modem by ethernet cable, same issues.
BTW, as far as why I think the Vaio is infected: Malwarebytes is constantly popping up saying it's blocking malicious websites, even when Internet Explorer is not open, and Norton pops up saying it has blocked attacks from various things, most often trojan.poweliks.
Any suggestions? Any more info needed?
Thanks in advance!