I am using Win 7 64 bit version.
Yersterday, when I tried to save my files with Word 2010, I kept encountering an error:
"Word cannot complete the save due to a file permission error"
I used the whole day to try to fix this problem and finally found the Word works well if I disable the Norton "Antivirus Auto-protect". So, my temporary solution is adding my working directory, including the Word files, into the "Items to exclude from auto-protect ", which solved all problems.
Today, another problem appears. I just found I cannot send email through Thunderbird becasue:
"Unable to open the temporary file. Check your 'Temporary Directory' setting"
In this time, I directly turn off the Norton auto-protect and my email was send out correctly!
These experience are very frustrating. I have used Norton's NIS and 360 for 6 years and didn't realize the so called "auto-protect" could have so many bugs. Could you please help me to solve them as soon as possible? Thanks!