Connection Blocker missing, Repeated Allow for Program w/no App Blocking Enabled

I'm running 8.8.1 on MacOS 13.0 and I recently installed some Epson Printer software which has a Data Collection Agent. The agent keeps changing ports, to which I am constantly hitting Allow. However when I went to check the rules, and allow everyone for the IP Address of the Printer, there was no Connection Blocking on the Firewall Settings. Even more oddly, Application Blocking is off as well and I can't find any record in the Security Logs. I've seen some other posts but this is pretty frustrating that it seemed Connection Blocking is enabled, but I have no way to update or make a rule???

Norton please fix this annoying issue. When will macOS users get a smart firewall like on Windows?

Thanks for the info. Based upon my lengthy contacts with 5 different Norton Reps on this matter, (took 90 minutes) none of the Norton reps, including 2 who were supposed to be iMac experts had a clue that there was a bug. (In fact one Norton rep claimed it was a third party app causing the problem and told me I had to pay a fee to have the next person look at it. I objected) Instead the last Norton tech expert insisted on gaining access to my computer to run a Scan, which he did and confirmed it was clean (No third party app existed) then he changed the settings to NOT block any apps so the screen would not pop up. Told me it was fixed.  But of course it was not.

So,  how does anyone inform Norton that there is this bug and have them acknowledge it to us and then provide a fix?

This bug still exists in Norton 360 8.8.3. I often see this issue with NordVPN. Not sure, if they are just ignoring this bug or struggling to fix it!!

Running Norton 360  Ver. 8.8.3 for iMac. Norton Screen continues to pop up asking "This application //////////// is attempting to use the Internet. Do you want this application to use the Internet?" "Block or Allow."

It comes up whether I had previously set that the application IS ALLOWED to use the Internet or not, and every time any application that I blocked in settings tries something, and I have to block again. Frustrating because this pop up screen takes over my computer and stops what I am doing at the time. Norton experts could not help.

This is a bug and it happens with other apps too. Let's wait for them to fix it