Constant attack from my own computer with Trojan.Ransomlock.G

Hello, new forum user here

I've used Norton antivirus services for a very long time, and I have never had any problems before that couldn't be solved with the tools provided (Norton scans, NPE, tdss killer, etc.)... until now!!

I'm gonna be completely honest here and say that I was doing a multitude of random tasks at that time and I will try my hardest to retrace my steps! I'm pretty sure I was bored and browsing an adult site (just for fun hehehe) and also was running my mel0n player to download music. I had also just started Steam and logged in when the whole fiasco started.

I encountered a file named goty.dll (or goty7.dll can't exactly remember) and Norton community said it was a safe file with 5 users reporting safety. It was very unusual because I had never seen that file before... so I had the trust checked and it all checked out... (It was very unusual for it to ask me at all because I hadn't downloaded anything the whole day!!)

I don't remember everything that happened in the exact order because I had just barely woken up and was still not fully functioning when my computer BSOD'd and restarted.

Then startup repair started up and started doing its thing so I went to shower while it worked out its problems. When I came back the startup repair hadn't done anything (as expected) and I updated and ran NPE because NPE was like my goto tool whenever my computer got messed up...

So I ran NPE and it found two files named goty.dll and iswin7.dll (I think... I'm sure its in the logs but I can't find it). The weird thing was that NPE removed iswin7.dll with no problem but when it came to goty.dll (or whatever it was named) there was a red X, so I clicked on it and it showed that goty.dll had two instances (it showed two locations for the files, and one of the locations had a check and the other location had an X) I'm partially OCD so the whole red X thing bothered me because I never like having imperfections in these little things...

Then after I restarted (because NPE requires you to restart after its done or something) I started getting these norton notifications that a Trojan.Ransomlock.G was attacking another ip from MY own computer (named Kevin-PC) So I ran NPE again and tried all sorts of other stuff (I'm a tech newbie so I ran NPE, Norton full scan, downloaded/ran malwarebytes, superantispyware, and Sophos)

None of these programs have found anything... I've tried updating everything to the most recent versions and have ran all the types of scans that the NPE provides... The "Norton blocked an attack by: System Infected : Trojna.Ransomlock.G" notification keeps popping up, but when I view details there are no actions that I can partake to solve the issue.

Also a very important thing to note is that my Windows security center service is also disabled because of this virus or whatever... I've tried looking online for solutions but apparently goty.dll doesn't exist or isn't well known or I'm just dyslexic.

I'm sorry if this whole post was like a headache to read... But I've spent a very long time trying to find all sorts of solutions on the internet and such but to no avail...

Please help!!!