Constant Window Norton Firewall Application Blocking Appearing

I keep getting this message in regards to both Skype and Spotify.  They keep coming, like 10 a minute.  Its driving me crazy.  I kindof understand what is going on but I just want to fix it.  I love Spotify and I love Skype, but Norton is ruining the experience for me.  I am having to resort to the Windows side of the machine, which is kindof a pain.  


Thanks for your help. Simple instrucitons please.

I keep getting this message in regards to both Skype and Spotify.  They keep coming, like 10 a minute.  Its driving me crazy.  I kindof understand what is going on but I just want to fix it.  I love Spotify and I love Skype, but Norton is ruining the experience for me.  I am having to resort to the Windows side of the machine, which is kindof a pain.  


Thanks for your help. Simple instrucitons please.