Hi all, i run Norton Internet Security 2012 on a Windows7 computer. For the last 2 days i have been seeing continuous messages mentioning Feedback on Norton Community Watch in the history log. Sometimes 20 of those messages in a row. I have read through several threads about those messages, but have not found the answers to my questions. Could somone help please:
-do those messages mean that NIS has found (new) threats on my computer?
-i see numerous lines mentioning C:\windows\syswow64\mshtl.dll, others are mentioning Adobereader, wow64 etc. etc Does this mean that my complete computer could be in danger?
-In the recent history log, i also see messages mentioning for example: Sent statistics: Insaniquarium.exe. Released or Accepted...this is my own translation as i have the Dutch version of NIS. Other .exe names i see are PenguinPuzzle.exe, 6515A.exe, FeedingFrenzy.exe, Chuzzle.exe, and BunnyBounce.exe
I a wondering what these messages mean...i did search on the .exe files, but windows does not find them. Are they viruses? If yes, what does NIS do with them? I see mentioned released or accepted, in Dutch vrijgesteld, that sounds as if NIS sees them, and accepts them as being 'good' or not harmful.
These are my questions, i hope someone has some answes.
Many thanks in adance. Regards.
Hi sop308805:
Hi. Just to add to what Bombastus said, there is also a Privacy Policy as to what Symantec does with that statistical information. If you read it and feel comfortable, it's a good idea to participate, since that data, in aggregate will help make the product better.
If not then it can always be switched off.
I for one, leave it enabled. Here is the Privacy Policy link. You need to decide for yourself...
Atomic_Blast :)
Hi all, i run Norton Internet Security 2012 on a Windows7 computer. For the last 2 days i have been seeing continuous messages mentioning Feedback on Norton Community Watch in the history log. Sometimes 20 of those messages in a row. I have read through several threads about those messages, but have not found the answers to my questions. Could somone help please:
-do those messages mean that NIS has found (new) threats on my computer?
-i see numerous lines mentioning C:\windows\syswow64\mshtl.dll, others are mentioning Adobereader, wow64 etc. etc Does this mean that my complete computer could be in danger?
-In the recent history log, i also see messages mentioning for example: Sent statistics: Insaniquarium.exe. Released or Accepted...this is my own translation as i have the Dutch version of NIS. Other .exe names i see are PenguinPuzzle.exe, 6515A.exe, FeedingFrenzy.exe, Chuzzle.exe, and BunnyBounce.exe
I a wondering what these messages mean...i did search on the .exe files, but windows does not find them. Are they viruses? If yes, what does NIS do with them? I see mentioned released or accepted, in Dutch vrijgesteld, that sounds as if NIS sees them, and accepts them as being 'good' or not harmful.
These are my questions, i hope someone has some answes.
Many thanks in adance. Regards.