Vista home premium 32 bit
Vista SP 2
Ok our power went out and came back on at some point overnight. Of course this turned of my desktop PC.
So I went to turn it back on pressing the power button on the tower. The blue light for the button came on, but nothing happened. No little flashing lite indicating activity, nothing at all. So I turned off by pressing the power button down again. Waited a minute or so(probably less than a minute) then tried the same process again. Still nothing happened other than maybe a secind in flashing activity light buth then no more flashing activity indicator light, nothing at all.
So I again turned off the power. Unplugged the Computer power cord. Waited less than a minute. Then plugged the power cord back in. I pressed the computer power button on the tower and PC came back on.
So could this really be such a simple answer, just unug then rep lug the computer power cord ?