could security updates cause this ?

Win. XP(sp2)  NISS 2009 (     I.E. 6x outlook express 6x


Hello - don't even know if my problem is 'secruity-related' but thought i'd give it a try here since in the past i've received help and many seem very knowledgeable;


           I have many saved 'favorites' including several newspapers. 

           Never had a problem accessing any of these sites;

           Within past week there is now  only one paper site that will not 'tries' - i see the green 'scale' verticle lines start to load, only to stall;

          i've tried everything i know (which isn't much)  i.e. close and relaunch browser/clear chache/ defrag/ran full NISS scans-no problems/made sure the site was allowed in the popup settings (did i forget anything?)

          Since i like this paper and it has its own 'forum' i can launch that !  (saved it separately)...and from there, i can then launch the homepage of the paper via Yahoo search bar that is displayed  on the forum site.   i tried 'resaving' from there - nope - won't work .

         So my question is this:   if i make any 'corrections/changes' regarding the ISP settings (i may sound like i know what i'm talking about but i'd never attempt this on my own!) wouldn't those changes affect the rest of the 'working' favorites and perhaps open that 'can of worms' ?

          If there were a problem with the ISP's settings wouldn't it affect more than one (1) website? 

          Thank you in advance for any suggestions, etc.   regards, Edythe