Hi All.
I've noticed that renewing a Norton Product, comes with contentious reviews, blogs and posts. Probably, straining the purse-strings to the extreme, or not.
I hit 'Renew' on the UI, and it displays 'Offers'. Punch 'Renew' on another day, and different 'Offers' are on show. Looks like the 'Offers' are on a decreasing scale. It might be worth waiting for the 'Offers' to reach £0.00; I live in hope.
I have an old unused 'Scratch Card' that should give me another 360-days, if the ID has not been erased from the database. There ought to be a Norton Online 'Scratch Card' Checker, for those who 'Renew' every 365 minus a couple. Renewing their product annually, with a completely new product.
Still, I've more than 4-months to renewal. Maybe, I'll be offered FREE YEARS, in advance. I think I might take that offer up ? Not going to happen, is it ?