My first post so firstly hello all.
My question corresponds exactly with one already posted on this board found here
However I am using Norton 360 not nis2010 and I found the answer unsatisfactory for my technical knowledge (very general). Like in the other post, I need for a particular program that I use through a VPN to drop out in the event of a lost connection with the VPN, and not stay connected under local ISP. That is for a connection with this program to be only allowed through the VPN.
I found all the general stuff supplied by Norton on this subject though I still have my training wheels and am not sure what belongs where.
This is what I understand so far. I need to go into Settings then Firewall then Program Rules click on the desired program..From here I am a little hazy,though i am pretty sure I need select custom then modify the available options then click on communications. Here it is asking for protocols I want to allow. I have no idea big? And secondly and I think the most important 'only communications that match all types and portslisted below' what goes here? Don't even know if i am on the right track. I do have a dedicated ip with my vpn if that helps. I did find an idiots walk through for windows firewall though i dont know what to do with norton. Any help would be greatly appreciated. i will reiterate that i have already seen all the general stuff in norton help though as you have probably gleaned from this message i need further help.