Daily Norton Security popup is broken?

Every day when I log onto my Windows 11 (fully patched) desktop I find a small window that appears to be labeled Norton Security.  I cannot move it, or move around it.  I can right-click on the toolbar icon and make it go away.  Anyone else have anything like that?  No error codes, just a broken little window. See attached png file.

Norton pic seems large against screensaver.  

Thanks - Since I only see it in the morning, I will check tomorrow and next day.  Odd that it only happens in the am as I currently have it set to never sleep. I may change that after figuring this out but I don't want to introduce more variables until then. I do have the monitors on a Alexa controlled plug which turns off when no motion detector activity in the home office for 30 minutes.

Please confirm Windows Fast Startup is off. It was on, now off
Please run Norton LiveUpdate and Restart (not Shut down) machine. Repeat. It did update
Please check your Display resolution is Recommended. Already at recommended
Please check Display scale is 100%. Already at 100%
R U using Windows Ease Of Access > Magnifier? No


Every day when I log onto my Windows 11 (fully patched) desktop I find a small window that appears to be labeled Norton Security.  

~ as troubleshooting steps:
Please confirm Windows Fast Startup is off. W10 [here] W11 [here]
Please run Norton LiveUpdate and Restart (not Shut down) machine. Repeat. 
Please check your Display resolution is Recommended.
Please check Display scale is 100%. 
R U using Windows Ease Of Access > Magnifier?
