Dec 12 Update from Norton Family Team Regarding Recent Issues

Last night (Dec 11), we released an update to the Norton Family web service to address a number of known technical issues, including:


  • “I received an error screen telling me to ‘Try Again Later’”
  • “While logging into the Norton Family portal, I was prompted to update to the newest version, even though I already have”
  • “While logging into the Norton Family portal, I was prompted to update to the newest version but couldn't finish the install”
  • “I haven’t received weekly or monthly activity reports” (Norton Family Premier customers)
  •  “My product key didn’t activate Norton Family Premier”
  • “I’m being logged out prematurely”


We are committed to addressing the remaining issues that some of you have been experiencing (such as not receiving email alerts and not being able to login to Norton Family through Norton Internet Security or Norton 360) and will continue to post updates in the Forum.


I have also included an updated list of Troubleshooting Tips below. 


We know that you depend on Norton Family to keep your kids safe, and we recognize that these recent issues have been challenging. The team is working hard to address them. Your confidence in the product is something that we take very seriously and we thank you for your continued patience.  


Please continue to stay in touch through this forum and let me know if there is anything I can do to help.


Thank you,




Troubleshooting Tips:


If you are missing activity history:

Some activity logs may have been lost during a service outage that took place between Nov 23-25. We sincerely apologize for this and confirm that all new activity generated going forward is being properly logged.


If you have not received email alert notifications:

Please be aware that this is a known issue that the team is actively working on addressing. Until this is restored, you can view alerts directly through the Norton Family portal


If you have been trying to view Norton Family activity via the Norton Internet Security or Norton 360 main interface and have been unsuccessful:

We do not have an ETA for a fix yet and apologize for the inconvenience. In the meantime, all alerts and your child's activity history can be viewed by signing in directly through the Norton Family portal.