Do you wonder about the difference between Download Insight and Download Intelligence? Is Intrusion Auto-Block the same as Intrusion Protection? And what's the difference between Silent Mode and Quiet Mode?
Like many businesses, Symantec uses marketing jargon for features that would otherwise be described in plain English. Maybe you're like me, and wonder what these terms really mean. Below is my translation, based largely on the Help file, of the less obvious jargon. I don't speak for Symantec, obviously, so feel free to make corrections or add terminology I left out.
Browser Protection protects your browser against 'drive-by' downloads (that install automatically) from malicious Web sites.
Download Intelligence configures Download Insight, e.g., it turns Download Insight off and on. Download Insight analyzes executables you download and tells you whether they are Safe, Unsafe or Unknown.
Idle Time Optimizer starts Windows built-in defragmenter during idle CPU time. (You won't find this feature described in the Help file. I had to search this Forum for an explanation.)
Insight Network refers to the combination of malware definitions 'in the cloud' (i.e., not yet downloaded to your HDD) and Norton Community Watch (see below.) Insight Protection means that NIS/NAV uses malware definitions from the Insight Network in addition to those already on your HDD when scanning for malware.
Intrusion Auto-Block automatically blocks the connection to a remote computer that is attacking your computer. Intrusion Prevention scans all network traffic that enters and exits your computer for signs of malicious behavior.
Norton Community Watch is a ranking derived from Symantec users' experience with an application.
Norton Safe Web refers to the combination of a safety rating for the website you are currently visiting (with additional information for shopping and banking websites) and Enhance[d] Search Engine Results, i.e., safety ratings that display with search results.
Quiet Mode suspends the background activities of NIS/NAV to allow certain activities to use the maximum possible system resources. The 'activities' are CD/DVD burning and recording a TV program. Silent Mode suppresses NIS/NAV alerts while you are using a full-screen application (like a game) or while you are in Quiet Mode.
Safe Surfing refers to the combination of protection against phishing and Norton Safe Web (described above.)
SONAR Protection means that NIS/NAV also uses behavioral analysis to decide whether an application is malicious.
As you can see, there are multiple names for what is basically the same feature, and on/off toggles for obviously desirable features. (Who wants to turn off drive-by download protection?) Perhaps this is done to further the marketing effort, by maximizing the apparent number of features and their visibility.