Delete Old Norton 2009 Popup

Moved Norton subscription to new device after hard drive failure. Upon every startup there is a large popup offering Norton Security 2009 which can only be removed using Task Manager. My active Norton 360 Deluxe does not identify this problem.

How can this old popup be permanently deleted? Might be in the registry.

thank you.

Win7 prof SP1

You're most welcome as always!! If you need help with the last backup recovery please do NOT hesitate to ask. That is what we are here for. Glad we could help. 


I performed the steps you recommended. But first out of curiosity I tried a shortcut which did not work. From there I performed a complete removal and reinstall which was successful.

Everything runs ok, no more popup, verified with scan and live update. 

My next task is to retrieve files stored in Norton cloud backup left over from the notebook with failed hard drive. Not sure the last time when the backup was run. After some research, sounds like the account holder (not me) controls the backup files. So I should be able to access the files with her help at my convenience.

Thank you  for your help with the popup. 

Thank you once again. May I ask, did you reinstall a "cloned" backup of the previous install? That may be the cause of the issue as you have stated, registry issues are there. You CAN do a removal of your Norton product using the Removal Tool, perform a REMOVE ONLY scenario and reboot. DO NOT reinstall after the reboot. Manually search for ALL folders remaining after the removal and remove them as well. Reboot again. Reinstall your product accordingly, run live updates manually until you are on the current version. Lets see if that provides different results for you.




Please excuse, as mentioned in initial email:

"Win7 prof SP1" =

Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1

Thank you.

Pardon me for asking, what is the OS on the machine currently?


Norton 360 ver


What Norton product do you have installed and what is the version?

Windows 7 SP1 is in maintenance mode, do you at least have the version listed here?

Current end of life products are also listed here: