I have Norton Ghost 10.0 and am trying to create a copy of my C: drive. I have a larger internal D: that has just been reformatted as the destination. The backup appears to begin but then I get the "Destination is in use..." message indicating the backup can not be completed.
I've turned off an indexing program (for searches) and Microsoft's system restore which I've read may cause this....but still no luck. Any ideas on what else may be a problem?
(other: Windows XP sp2, Dell Dimension 4550, C: 200gb, D:250gb)
Side notes of no value (other than to verify my frustration...and as therapy):
- Norton had another backup software program that I could never get to work - its gone.
- I've removed Norton's other software..Ghost is just about to go.
- I used EASEUS (free backup software) a couple years back but required switching cables in the computer...but it worked. Shouldn't Ghost be easier?
- I just read this weekend of a web (journal) site that lost all of its data and the backup was destroyed....the article spoke of how there's no excuse for users to maintain backup of all of their data - agreed. How about making it easy. All this computer power, all the brain power at these companies and this is the best we can do? Its probably a Microsoft - Norton conspiracy!!!!
- This is why cloud computing is appealing.
- Google search for ""Destination is in use" Ghost" :1600+ references, search in Norton :0 references
Message Edited by rdy4trvl on 01-04-2009 01:58 PM