First of all, sorry for my poor English, but it's not my first language.
I've Norton Antivirus 2006 installed in a PC with Windows XP. I'm suffering some problems:
- The right click is disabled.
- When I connect to the Internet via telephone (low bandwith) I lose control of the connection. I cannot access the connection properties (it hides quickly).
- I cannot navegate to webpages of antivirus or security.
- The system restauration tool is disabled.
- Using the msconfig tool, in the startup there's a call to tskmngr.exe (not the taskmgr.exe Windows task manager).
After updating the definitions by executing th file in the Norton Antivirus finds two risks:
Id. del virus: 4294909963
Id. del virus: 34750
It seems the antivurs cleans the risks and ask for a reboot. I do it and launch another scan. Then I have the same virus detected and sometimes is detected also
Id. del virus: 26828
I am rebooting and scanning for days, updating the antivirus definitions via the file dowloaded in another PC.
Another thing: In the c:\windows and in c:\windows\directories there're some new files. Norton doesn't iddentify them as malware or virus, but I copied the to a CD and scanned in another computer with another antivirus and identified them as trojan win32.buzus.ah.
Why an updated Norton antivirus doesn´t see them as trojans?
Please, could you help me?
Thanks in advance.