We have an F5 FirePass SSL VPN providing corporate virtual private network connections. I do not work in the IT department, I'm just a regular employee/user. Normally all the work laptops/desktops come through our IT department, with everything pre-configured. They use antivirus/firewall software suite of a different brand, which is the official supported inside our community. Due to long queue in the laptop ordering through the IT department, I was issued a special permission to freely choose a computer from any supplier/brand I wanted. It came with Norton Internet Security 2012 pre-installed. This was three weeks ago.
My problem is as follows. The Norton Internet Security 2012 is not compatible with the rule checking system of the VPN server. I was given instructions by the IT department: Either uninstall the Norton Internet Security and change to the brand X, which is our standard, or provide a "specification of the process (ID, name?) which is responsible for the real-time protection, so we may apply a special rule in the F5 box to recognize you are running a valid security suite". The IT department will not take direct responsibility of finding a solution, since I am operating outside their normal software suite. Thus, my laptop is practically managed by me, with limited support by the IT department
What would be the simplest, most definite way to detect the NIS2012 running, which could then be included in the F5 rules? The IT support person suggested the following process: npfmntor.exe, but that kind of process is not running in my laptop. I replied that the ccsvchst.exe wrapper could be a definite way to detect a valid NIS running. According to the IT department, this information is not enough for rule-making.
My NIS2012 evaluation subscription will expire after 4 days, after which I am forced to fall back to the brand X software suite of out IT department, if no viable solution for F5 rule check is found. I would like to continue using the NIS, and renew the subscription. I
Best Regards,
Juho Tyster