Detection difference between x64 and x86


I like test av, so I change them often and I downloaded packages with malware.


I tested package with 98 malicous files and Norton 360 v4.0 on Windows 7 Professional x64 detected 33 threads.

When I do the same test on Windows 7 Professional x86, it detected 58 threads.


I updated virus definitions, changed all settings to maximum and aggresive (sonar aggresive, heuristics to maximum, full scan) and repeated the test on 64 bit platform - it detected 35 threads...


It's unormal - Norton 360 (and probably NIS and NAV) in 64-bit system is less effective than in 32-bit...

Tests on other packages confirm this problem.

Is it possible that not all of the malware is detected because some simply can't run on 64 bit?  If it can't run, heuristics can't detect it.