Device Trust list isn't automatically populated

Device Trust is not automatically finding all of the devices connected to the network.


From the Help file:


Adding a device to the Device Trust


By default, your Norton product finds all the devices that are connected to your network. However, you can manually add the computers and the devices to the Device Trust that are currently not connected.


To reproduce:


  1. Open Settings > Firewall > General Settings > Network Settings > Device Trust > Configure
  2. The Device Trust dialog box will open however the list of Devices will not be automatically populated.

Expected Behaviour:


When the Device Trust dialog box is opened, the list will be automatically populated with a list of devices connected to the network.


Similar to the Network Security Map in previous Norton products, a Refresh link should be provided so that the user can manually force Norton to perform a refresh of the device list.


Norton Security
Windows 7 Home Premium