My Devices page shows my PC's Actual Name (140317-Claire) with the correct Product Key but with a "Computer Protection at Risk" comment. It also shows a device named "Claire-Windows 7" which doesn't exist with the same - correct - product ID and showing that it is covered. It is probable that the original install name was "Claire-Windows 7" before I changed it to reflect the date I got the machine. I find it interesting that Norton always shows each device being active, although always for a different duration (like 140307-Claire shows online less that 1 hour and Claire-Windows 7 shows less than 18 hours in the picture below). This page does not show all 3 devices using my license.
However, my Services page is 100% correct. It only shows my actual PC and it displays the other 2 installs. On this screen, my PC 140307-Claire included in the active subscription along with my other 2 installs. Although I have covered them, I am SURE that all this activity is on the same product key.
How do I remove Claire-Windows 7 from the Devices page and have it accurately show 140307-Claire with its correct coverage?
Thank you so much for your help.