I keep my Norton Internet Security Up-To-Date. I have Auto-update on, but, before using my pc (after leaving it for a few mins), I usually run a Manual Liveupdate, till only Pulse Update, or None. I clicked on Check for New Version, about one hour ago. Brought to a page saying about a New Version. Some blurbs about new features, but, No details on what the New Version number is; or what the System Requirements are. I clicked on Continue. Got to a page with instructions about doing the Download and Install. Also had the System Requirements.... My OS WAS Still there!!! I have XP w SP3. I downloaded the Installer, and ran it. Went thru Initialization, then came to a window telling about an "unrecoverable error". I saw that my Current ( version was Still running. I got to a point, where I was being told about using Norton Remove and Re-install to fix the problem. I downloaded the NR&R program. I ran it. Asked to Agree to the User License Agreement. In a "Norton Remove and Reinstall" window, got "Latest version of the tool is available. Please visit here (clickable) to download the latest version." This brought me to a page with "Download and run the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool", that the following text, which I thought I had DONE already.. Hmm.. Download the tool.. Tells me a tool is Available..... Ummm... Norton Removal Tool (alone) or Norton Remove and Reinstall tool????
*********************** Hmmm.... I copied the text (below) from the page, and pasted. Seems I can't add to end of text, without getting Auto Paragraph numbering... Must have been created with MS-Word???? First time I have seen this happen.
Before you begin
The Norton Remove and Reinstall tool uninstalls most Norton products, and reinstalls the latest version.
<p>Before you proceed, make sure that you meet the following requirements:</p> <ul> <li> <p>You need to have an Internet connection</p> </li> <li> <p>The tool does not remove Norton Utilities or Norton Family</p> </li> <li> <p>The tool does not remove your Norton Identity Safe local vault</p> </li> <li> <p>Norton products that are provided by service providers (other than Comcast or Deutsche Telekom), will not be removed by this tool. Download and run the <a href="https://support.norton.com/sp/en/us/home/current/solutions/kb20080710133834EN_EndUserProfile_en_us?src=nrnr" rel="nofollow" title="">Norton Removal Tool</a>.</p> </li> </ul> </li>
Download and run the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool
Download the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool.
<p>Save the file to the Windows desktop.</p> </li> <li> <p>On the Windows desktop, double-click the NRnR icon.</p> <p>If you see the message "A Norton product was detected that is not supported by this version of Norton Remove and Reinstall…" download the <a href="ftp://ftp.symantec.com/public/english_us_canada/removal_tools/Norton_Removal_Tool.exe" rel="nofollow" title="">Norton Removal Tool</a>.</p> </li> <li> <p>Click Agree and follow the on-screen instructions.</p> </li> <li> <p>Restart the computer.</p> <p>After the computer restarts, follow the on-screen instructions to reinstall your Norton product.</p> </li>