Did Microsoft's Patch Tuesday Mess Up My Norton 360?

Hi, all.


Initially after restarting my Windows 8.1 computer due to the recent Microsoft update, everything Norton seemed fine.  When I went to shut down the computer for the day, hours after I had done the restart, I noticed that the screen went from the blue "Shutting Down" display to all black sooner than usual.  I didn't think too much of it at the time. 


Now, fastforward to today.  I turned on the computer and the Windows 8 welcome screen appeared sooner than usual.  Still didn't think too much of it.  Shortly after signing in to Windows, I noticed that LiveUpdate occurred automatically (I ususally do the initial LiveUpdate manually to start off the day) 10 minutes after the computer booted.  This was unusual since I recall in Settings, I left Automatic Tasks Delay at 20 min. (see Screenshot 1), not 10.


Screenshot 1


Automatic Tasks Delay.jpg



I proceeded to check Scan Results in Security History and discovered that Early Launch Anti-Malware scan hadn't run since the 11th of Feb.  How could that be if I had turned the machine off and turned it back on on the 12th and 13th?  And the feature is apparently turned "On" in Settings.


Screenshot 2


Early Launch Anti-Malware Protection.jpg




Screen Shot 3


Since I didn't run any scans on the 12th, no records are displayed for that date.  But I did turn the computer on on the 12th.


Security History Scan Results.jpg



Then I delved deeper into this mystery.  I checked Intrusion Prevention in Security History and discovered that the last time it was enabled was on the 12th.  But I also turned the computer off and back on on the 13th (to test Norton), but there's no record of Intrusion Prevention having been enabled in the latter instance.


Screenshot 4


Intrusion Prevention Not Enabled.jpg




So is anybody else seeing this?  Did Patch Tuesday cause this? 


Just to be clear, except for the computer "restart" mentioned at the beginning of the post, all subsequent "starts" were cold boots.


By the way, how do I insert that "Me too" button into a post?


Thank you.