Disable Background Tasks?

When background tasks are running, Norton has my hard drives and CD/DVD drives spinning constantly.  Is this really necessary?  Can this feature be disabled?  It's very annoying and I don't like the wear on my computer components.



Sounds like Norton is just scanning your machine. isn’t it?

If u don't want background scans, turn silent mode on whenever u leave ur comp idle.

Just right click norton icon at taskbar panel and turn silent mode on.


p.s.  Background tasks will not activate until u leave comp idle. 

Hi Rohit,


Silent mode is entirely different from the Background scan that runs when your computer is idle. When you perform important tasks on your computer, you likely would prefer not to receive any alert messages. Silent Mode suppresses alerts and notifications and temporarily suspends most of the background activities. If Norton 2009 program detects a security threat when Silent Mode is enabled, it does not display the alert but takes appropriate action to protect your computer. You can either turn on the silent mode manually or otherwise enable the full screen detection which will enable the silent mode whenever any application opens in the fullscreen mode.


Norton 2009 uses the Idle Time Scan to automatically detect the idle state of your computer and runs a weekly Full System Scan when the computer is idle. If it is set for Daily basis, then Norton may run the scan from background whenever your computer is Idle. That may be the reason for high CPU usage. Here are the steps to disable the idle time scan:

1. Start Norton 2009 program.

2. In the Computer pane, click Settings.

3. Under Computer Scans, near Idle Time Scan, select Off from the drop-down menu.

4. Click Apply > OK.




Thanks for the info.  I will give that a try.  I’m mainly concerned the constant HD activity will cause premature wear or other problems.  So far I like NIS 2009 better than any previous version.