Disable Norton Backup Drive from My Computer (Norton 360 v3)

Using Norton 360 v3. How can I remove Norton Backup Drive from My Computer? Help me please…

I’ve searched every menu I could find in the program, and could not find the option to disable that new icon.  I would like to get rid of it as well.  Bump.

Anyone else please? Its embarassing…the icon…in my computer…



If you are willing to disable all of the backup shell extensions this is very simple. This includes icon overlay, Norton backup drive, and the context menu. Follow these directions:


  1. Navigate to the settings page
  2. Un-check the "Norton Tamper Protection" and disable for 15 minutes
  3. Go to start->run
  4. Type in "cmd" and press enter
  5. Type in "cd c:\program files\Norton 360\engine\\"
  6. Type in "regsvr32 /u bushell.dll"

At this point the Norton Backup Drive should disappear after you refresh. If you would like to keep the other shell extensions we may have to consider this option in a future release as we didn't anticipate users wanting to disable the drive.



Michael Shavell
Senior Software Engineer
Consumer Products & Solutions
Symantec Corporation


Using Norton 360 v3. How can I remove Norton Backup Drive from My Computer? Help me please…

Oh my god worked like charm!


Hello Airban,


May I request that as you are the only user that can mark this thread as having a solution that you mark the what you feel is the appropriate post as being the solution to your issue.  It would really help others that may be looking for the same solution find it.


Glad this worked out for you!


Take care,


Michael: Some of us are just plain nervous about storing our data online, period. Intuit in particular scares the bejabbers out of me.No matter how good we think our security measures are, there is always the possibility that some hacker will find a way past them at some time in the future. And speaking from many years of experience as a retired CIA employee, no matter how closely you vet your employees, even though they are squeaky clean when they first come through your front door, a disgruntled employee can sometimes go bad later. There are certainly plenty of known cases of security breaches caused by employees on the inside.


I use a couple of Linksys NAS200 file servers along with NTBACKUP, the Windows supplied program. I turned your backup program off completely in N360 V2. I like what I see in N360 V3 - especially the fact that the backup occurs in the background. With NTBACKUP, I usually have to leave my systems running overnight to do this. There are two things I would like to see in your future developments:


1. A simple switch to totally disable writing backups to the Internet.

2.  Use of the standard Microsoft files GUI to allow us to backup to the device of our choice on the network. Your backup settgings currently do not allow "off computer" storage even though I have mapped the NAS200 drives to my computer.





I think your request is valid and I will pass it off to our Product Management Team as a possible requirement. However simply selecting another location will not send any data at all about your backup or backup files to our servers. 


If you would like to post in a new topic as this one has been solved I can help you with your mounted drive issue as they should show up as  a backup location. 




Hello, I am using Norton 360 v3.0 in Windows Vista x64;


As a side note, the directory for unregistering bushell.dll would be....


C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton 360\Engine64\


Hope helps someone.....


Message moved to Windows 7 board for better exposure

I get an error when trying to remove with Vista 32 home, bushell was loaded but call to unregister failed.

on my machine the path:

"cd c:\program files\Norton 360\engine\\"


does not exist


instead the path should be, as another poster noted:

"cd c:\program files\Norton 360\engine\\"


also, as a third poster noted executing the command "regsvr32 /u bushell.dll" generates an error:

"The module "bushell.dll" was loaded but the call to DLLUnregisterServer failed with error code 0x8007005."




is it possible to subsequently re-enable the backup shell extensions? just asking.



Message Edited by bMorHon on 05-23-2009 04:37 AM

Error 0x8007005 corresponds to "Access denied".


Did you disable tamper protection first in the Norton 360 settings UI?

Also, it sounds like some people are having trouble finding the buShell.dll.


You may want to run this command from the installation direction (under the correct version directory) to ensure that the .dll is being found.


I don't think the problem for all is finding the DLL.

In my case I disabled tamper protection, follow the instructions in the correct directory and it would not unload and remove.


after using the removal tool I re-installed V2 but the "other" drive remained in "my computer"

I used regedit, searched for the the drive name reference (such as 23d45-434f5...) and removed the line to remove it.

This happens on Vista.


You can run either cmd.exe or regsvr32.exe as administrator:


  1. From Windows Run menu->All Programs->Accessories, right-click "Command Prompt" and select "Run as administrator"
  2. In the command prompt window, type: "cd C:\Program Files\Norton 360\Engine\[your installed version number]"
  3. Type "regsvr32 /u buShell.dll"


Another option may be to unregister is to disable Vista UAC (I didn't try this).

