Like I said it didn't run. If it did your drive would not be 9% fragmented.
In addition to Norton disabling the "optimizer" for SSD drives, the optimizer really uses Windows defrag and windows turns that off for SSD drives as well.
Your using windows 7 and it supports the "trim" command for SSD's. Every time the trim command runs, windows will query the drive and ask it how fast it is spinning. If the drive reports to windows that it's speed is 0, windows knows it is a SSD drive and it disables defrag,
You also say you set the defrag service to disabled.
So you have the defrag turned off in 3 places:
Norton, Windows, and the actual service.
If you want to take it one step farther I imagine you could bypass windows file protection and remove the defrag entirely or replace it with a non-working file.
However, to tell you the absolute truth.
In my personal opinion I think the whole ordeal about people saying it's going to hurt there drive is extreamly overblown.
It may have had some basis in truth when the very first SSD drives came out but now days your not going to "kill" or damage a SSD drive by using it. And thats really all a defrag is doing, using the drive.
You have one of the top of the line Intel drives.
I haven't looked in a long time, but a year or so ago I looked up the Intel specs on product life on one of the 32GB drives.
Intel basically gaurenteed that the 32GB drive could write an absolute minimum of 20GB per day for AT LEAST 5 years.
I have also seen testing done for the use of SSD's in corporate server enviroments that state that Intel specks are very conservative and every test done by companies far exceed those specs.
Your drive is much larger so it would be safe to assume the minimum writes could be 40GB per day for 5 years.
So that means if your drive is half full you wouldn't want to defrag your system more than once a day, every day, for 5 years straight. ;)
But thats just my personal opinion. If I spent that much on a nice drive I would want to use like I normally use a hard drive and not worry about "wearing it out". That would be like buying a real fast sports car and keeping it in the garage everyday.
Five years from now you won't have that drive anyway, you will have moved on to something better before then.