Disk Optimization Threshold

I have Disk Optimization set to run "Automatically (recommended)"; however, it doesn't launch as frequently as I'd like (twice in 22 days vs. 1-4x daily at idle). 


Additionally, I'd rather it defragment at > 0% fragmentation; it logged "Optimization not required, currend disk fragmentation is 5%", which was really quite messy.


Is there a way, through the GUI or any other means, to view/change these thresholds?


Bonus round:  If it uses Windows defragmenter, is there a way to change the comman run to another defragmenter (i.e. MyDefrag)?





Norton 360 uses Windows's own defragmentation mechanism, so if it is telling the software that is no need for defragmentation it will not run it. It will run defrag only when Windows tells it so. It is usually around 10% if I remember well.

I have Disk Optimization set to run "Automatically (recommended)"; however, it doesn't launch as frequently as I'd like (twice in 22 days vs. 1-4x daily at idle). 


Additionally, I'd rather it defragment at > 0% fragmentation; it logged "Optimization not required, currend disk fragmentation is 5%", which was really quite messy.


Is there a way, through the GUI or any other means, to view/change these thresholds?


Bonus round:  If it uses Windows defragmenter, is there a way to change the comman run to another defragmenter (i.e. MyDefrag)?


I see.  I haven't found anything yet that denotes a scheduled go/no-go; the help file just suggests defragmenting at 10%+.


From MSDN blog:

"In Windows XP, any file that is split into more than one piece is considered fragmented. Not so in Windows Vista if the fragments are large enough – the defragmentation algorithm was changed (from Windows XP) to ignore pieces of a file that are larger than 64MB. As a result, defrag in XP and defrag in Vista will report different amounts of fragmentation on a volume."


DEFRAG /A also states this.  That explains the low 5% (it was much higher per old paradigm). 


I ran DEFRAG F: /A (analyse only) and it showed 1% fragmentation and "You do not need to defragment this volume".  This also created a Windows Event Log entry. "...defragmenter successfully completed analysis ..." 


I ran DEFRAG F: /V (verbose output) and it did defragment the volume, reporting 1% pre- and 0% post-defrag; it defragmented two files.  This also created a Windows Event Log entry. "...defragmenter successfully completed defragmentation..."  


cf. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ff458356.aspx



In looking in Windows Event Log at the last time Norton automatically ran defrag, Event ID 258, "...defragmenter successfully completed analysis ..." for each volume.  It appears Norton is running DEFRAG /A and deciding not to defragment based on its output.


My question now is, can the analysis/decision-making be removed from Norton Disk Optimizer task?

RoloX2 wrote:

My question now is, can the analysis/decision-making be removed from Norton Disk Optimizer task?

Unfortunately not :(. This is how Norton 360 workes, and can not be modified.



Honestly, Norton Disk Optimizer, then, can't hold a candle to the Win7 default configuration (Task Scheduler, daily).