I'm feeling really stupid about posting this but those of you who've looked after me for so long know that I do 'have my moments' so here goes:
In a thread in the Microsoft Community, someone provided evidence that Microsoft Support Engineers mark each other's replies as the Answer. If you're interested in that, go here: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/feedback/forum/fdbk_commsite-mods/responses-from-microsoft-staff-bestworsthowlers/5a6ac0c2-6381-4808-a439-2c3008e9a615
I wanted to copy and paste his screenshots to pass on but every time I tried the process crashed. I'd given them the name 'Microsoft cheating' (or similar) 1 and 2. I tied a different tack, opened Word and tried "insert Photo" - Word crashed several times. I then used 'Save picture as', with a silly non-related to Microsoft name and it worked. I could then insert it into a Word document and also paste it into another thread.
This morning I saved two screen shots relating to 'HP Driver Update Search Failure'. I saved them as snips but when I tried to post them in the HP Community another , entirely non-related snip appeared in my reply on each occasion. I tried saving from my desktop but same failure.
I then saved both with silly, non-related to HP names and was able to add them in my HP reply.
Does this mean that Microsoft and HP have filters in place stopping the posting of images with their name in the name?
I'm probably paranoid now so don't bother to reply. It's off my chest but when I've a moment I'll try to replicate it.