Do we have to transfer the license to complete the installation even we have the exact allowed number of devices

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Issue abstract: Could not complete the installation on my first device with license for 5 devices.

Detailed description: Could not complete the installation on my first device because it keeps asking to delete one of 5 five allowed devices of my license.

Product & version number: NORTON 360 DELUXE

OS details:

What is the error message you are seeing? No error message.

If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them:

If you got 5 licens you can only install that in you norton account you can remove how many licens you is using so if if you dont need 5 licens just remove one and you got 4 licens but you can also reinstall it agian if needed just download the file agian and install it agian remember to say problem solv if it works ore give a hart