Hello all forum users.
Can you help settle an argument between myself and the Norton team? Well not so much an argument more an interesting discussion.
I have said that there is a strong case to have a link that enables users to jump straight to the last post in any thread (whether read or not). My reason is that this is the most recent post and so the one you are most likely to want to respond to and, in long threads if there are no unread posts the only current way of getting to the end, or near it, is to page through all the other posts.
Do you think this is a good idea - or not?
The way I have suggested that is could be done is to put an extra link into the forums list page. So:-
The above is an example of a thread as might be shown in a forum list. The blue underlines are currently active links. The green underline would be a live link if there were unread. I have proposed that where I show the brown underline should be a live link to the last post in the thread. Do you agree - or not?