Dodgy Iphone Email

Hi everyone,

Don't know if this is the right place to talk about this so sorry in advance.

Recently I have been getting some dodgy emails in my G-mail account all pertaining to winning a free iphone8 or whatever. I don't even own an iPhone. Obviously I haven't opened the mail and of course, I know these are some kind of phishing or some other malicious activity.

I haven't gotten all that many messages like this. Maybe five or six in the past month or so. Some through my Google plus account via google plus's version of messenger I suppose. But the most recent mail seems to be an actual email as it is in my primary inbox rather than social.

From the title it says I have been made a moderator on youtube(suspicion intensifies)

So basically I would like to know if:

A) If anyone else is receiving messages of this nature through their Gmail accounts/google plus

B) Finding out how someone has been able to acquire my email without my permission and how I can stop this from happening in future.


Thanks in advance.

Hi, Liam. I'd be contacting both Google and Apple customer support and letting them know about this issue.

They should be able to advise.

If you didn't open any of these emails then you should be ok.

In the meantime, if any more arrive, just delete them.