Does Norton Care if my Forum Account Been Hacked ?

Ive received an email apparantly from this forum:
With the subject line: Replacement login information for mac at ノートン コミュニティ

And its subject continues with:
A request to reset the password for your account has been made at ノートン コミュニティ.

It then contains a link, which I need to click, to reset my password.

But I did not do anything to request a new password !!

There is another link at the bottom of the email, which I should click, if I want to report any security concerns !

HOWEVER: This is really dumb idea !
...because I dont know if this is a genuine Norton email, with genuine Norton links in it !

It is far safer to request a new password from the forum directly, which is what I've just done.
Obviously: I will then received another email from Norton, but at-least I know that I've requested this one.
This 'genuine' email looks very similar to the previous 'invalid' email.

Then I tried to report this to Norton, without having to click a link in their emails...
...but I couldn't find anywhere logical (on this website) to report it to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hence This Post.