I need to download my product, Norton Internet Security. I can get to my account and click the download button but the download is in French and I cannot change it in English. Any one help please?
I need to download my product, Norton Internet Security. I can get to my account and click the download button but the download is in French and I cannot change it in English. Any one help please?
We are trying to find the root cause of the problem. So, before you download the Norton product , please answer these questions:
1. Please let us know the Operating system language.
3. Open your Norton product > Click Support > About (you can see this at the bottom, when you click Support). Let me know the Serial number, Current SKU, Family SKU, and Media SKU, or send me a screenshot of this window. Please do not post these details here, send me a PM with this information.
After you gather these details, you can download the English version from http://www.Norton.com/nis12