I recently noticed that if I click the Stats link to see who has kudo'd a particular post, I often see something like the images below.
None of these "Helpful" votes by "Former Community Member" are actually counted, but is this caused by a bug in the Forum software or some new feature still in beta testing and only available to member groups with advanced permissions like the Gurus, or is there some spam bot creating fake user accounts and trying to spam the forum?
Anyway, i noticed the slew of recent "helpful" but just never desired to look too much into it. I have to be honest, i was thinking the 'Former Community Member' was F4E (laughs) ;-)
This is an explanation I got from an admin on these entries.
Norton Community Forums exit survey metrics are tagged along with Me too/Kudos for every forum threads which give more detailed metrics.
"Former Community Member" name used for non-logged accounts used to reply for Norton Community Forums exit survey poll.
...which tells me that Norton is only logging "Yes" clicks and completely uninterested in tracking the number of people who did not have their problem resolved.
This exit survey can pop up a half dozen times when I'm browsing through the Norton forum without logging in (which I frequently do) and opening/closing threads in new browser tabs, and I imagine most users have gotten in the habit of randomly clicking either "Yes" or "No" just to close this annoying pop-up. I still don't see the value in collecting this data per my 26-Aug-2019 comments in ITMA's Exit Survey! given the current survey design, and now the stats for the Add Kudos counts are being spammed with dozens of meaningless "Helpful" votes by unknown "Norton Community Forum" users.
... I think COPS or Sunil still has the profile under moderation ...
Hi SoulAsylum:
Some of these "Helpful" (not "Kudos" or "MeToo") votes by "Former Community Member" have been appearing for over a month. From ITMA's thread 23-Aug-2019 thread Exit Survey!, for example:
I'm not even sure how all this activity could be coming from the same user account. Under normal circumstances, once you log in and click "Add Kudo" to upvote a post the link changes to "Remove Kudo" to prevent any one user from upvoting the same post multiple times.
I see it as well in other thread posts stats. I think COPS or Sunil still has the profile under moderation, so the votes may also be in that status as well.