I have posted some concerns about a log entry I had involving blocking of a virus. Some have indicated it was a "drive by download"
It made me think that maybe I do not undertsand how this is logged by Norton protection.
So I thought I mught post here, rather than bog down some of my other posts.
Hope this is ok with the forum
I currently use an older Norton product, Norton Antivirus 2008 (yes I will upgrade to NIS2010 most likely or at least NIS2009)
But for now I have this question
I know that a drive by download is when you go to a website and the site or an ad on that site attempts to download a virus.
Now here is my question.
When this attempt is blocked by Norton, does
Internet Worm Protection secition of Security history
identify ones own computer at the "attacking computer"
and the website that is trying to do the download as the destination Address?
I think that is where I am having confusion, how it is logged and why ones own PC would be considered the attacker
Thanks for your help