I downloaded and ran Norton Driver Updater earlier today.
HP laptop running 64-bit Windows 11.
It updated many drivers and then I rebooted it.
Now I get blue screen of death after 4-5 minutes each time it restarts, with error
DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE. Even if I just leave it on login screen it keeps rebooting and then says it has disabled logins to my account (which is the only admin one) due to too many failed login attempts or recent shutdowns.
The Driver Updater documentation says it has a ‘Solve Now’ button to resolve issues, but I can’t see it anywhere. It also says that previous driver versions are stored in C:/ProgramData/Norton/DriverUpdater/BackupStorage. The directory is there but it is empty.
This really is not the sort of quality of software one expects from Norton; judging by the issues logged in Community Forum, I am not alone in having these issues. It would seem to have been released without adequate testing.
How do I recover working drivers that don’t keep crashing my system?
All: Not meaning to sound conflictive, but, corrupted or incorrect system drivers WILL and DO, cause a Windows machine not to properly boot and can render it not bootable. Incorrect drivers actually can damage hardware. I am currently rebuilding my GF's PC for this very driver reason. Although the drivers did NOT come from a Norton offering the results were the same. Windows installed incorrect RAID drivers on a less than 2 year old 3TB SATA drive NOT running in RAID, then caused it to fail. Writing event code 7 ( bad blocks )to event log every 5 seconds until the drive just gave up. A reformat corrected the issue along with a clean install of Windows 10 Pro with the correct drivers and software. What a price to pay right?
Over the years I have repaired many PC's and laptops where this has happened WHEN utilities are used. Windows does an exceptional job of keeping itself preened and usable, problems arise when users install third party "tune-up" utilities instead of allowing Microsoft and the OEM manufacturer to provide actually tested and valid drivers for the Windows OS and version you are using. Depend on Windows and your computer manufacturer to provide drivers folks. Even Microsoft lets one slip as earlier noted. Nothing is perfect, backup your devices before using any 3rd party software tools. It has saved my rear end many times over the years.
@uli.engelmann, I'd totally agree with you, if you had said "... drivers SHOULD NOT have any influence on this.", but is a fact that I was not able to log into Windows after updating all suggested drivers (similar to others above and in the other thread).
Luckily, I did remember having created an image backup (automatically at night), which resolved the situation after restoring it.
At least this should be a lesson for everybody (as it was for me), to have a recent image ready before updating drivers - even if Norton claims not to be responsible.
Hi WilfriedB, no, once again, drivers cannot have any influence on this. Also the problem of MommaFrew had nothing to do with it. The mentioned programs work at least partially offline and do not check the MS account.
No, I didn’t delete it, I’m still waiting for a response from Norton re compensation for the damage and inconvenience they’ve caused. I’ve asked Uli but he’s not an administrator so can’t get it put back. I posted a screenshot of my post but that image is ,“under moderation”, sounds like 1984 to me. Say what you want as long as you don’t criticise Norton.
@Pedroski just for curiosity: Did you delete your post titled "Norton Driver Updater Trashed my PC" or was that done by forum a administrator?
Anyway, I had a situation similar to what @Michael Imber reports, when he said "... says it has disabled logins to my account ..". In my case, I did not see any similar message, but simply was not able to log into Windows. Thinking about it, when says @MommaFrew says, ".. I cannot use any of the Microsoft ..." also sounds similar, although apparently it was possible into Windows for some reason . In all three cases there is a problem with Microsoft account after installing the drivers.
Hi MommaFrew,
The first thing you have to do is uninstall the Norton Driver Updater, that's what's causing all the problems everyone's having on this forum. Théy've released a beta product that wasn't ready to go to market and there's a trail of bricked machines, including mine.
Try to run a system restore to get a working system back but get rid of the norton programme first or it will just create more havoc.
@SoulAlysum: Our Driver Updater creates a system restore point before each update.
@MommaFrew: Updated hardware drivers have no influence on Microsoft products. But of course I am really sorry for all troubles associated with usage of our product. This is not intentional behavior.
In order to be able to help you I would like to ask you to send us your log files executing our Support Tool utility.
The support tool is available under c:\Program Files\Norton\Driver Updater\
Please run the “SupportTool.exe” and follow the instructions. Once it is done, please send me the "FILE ID" here via private message - so we can analyze the logs with your report on our server.
Thank you.
I have also made the stupid mistake of downloading this piece of rubbish - now I cannot use any of the Microsoft products even though their website says I have a perfectly valid subscription. I am also frequently losing my internet connection even though the icon says I still have access.
I belong to the older generation and am at a loss as to what to do - all I am sure of is that I have totally lost faith in Norton !
Is anyone else having the same problems with Microsoft products ? I have tried to revert the most recent update but it has made no difference
Michael, uninstall Driver Updater and restart before attempting another restore point. Lets see if that makes a difference in what is going on.
I spoke too soon.
Machine now even worse.
Screen goes blank for several minutes then same error.
Luckily found an earlier restore point so trying that!
By some miracle it seemed the Driver Updater (or windows itself ? ) had created a system restore point before updating the drivers, so when I put my recovery USB key in expecting to have to completely loose all apps and data and put back bare Windows, the troubleshooting bit showed the restore point and it seemed to roll back successfully.
So I’ve now rebooted and am hoping it all works OK - of course I uninstalled Driver Updater.
the first point ther can you also roll back from but it is much harder right corner if ther is a old one ther 
Hello Michael. You will need to do a Windows recovery using a date BEFORE you installed/used Driver Updater. Norton states this is not a BETA product, users are saying otherwise as their machines are being borked using it. DO NOT use this product until such time as it has matured.
if you running windows 10 they now ther is a bug in windows 11 ther is no problem of now but call norton they can proberly help