While exiting a Blogher.com site last night, a pop-up box indicated I had drivers that needed to be updated. It updated the drivers without my permission and then a screen with Chinese text appeared.
The sites involved with the updates were Softler.org and Baidu.com. The NIS Check Site gave a green OK to both websites.
I ran a full system scan after the event, and no threats were reported. However, I did not select a restore point for the computer because I was alerted that the NIS program would be affected.
I'm very concerned about using the Internet at this point. My computer update settings are set to manually select, not automatic. And, I'm not used to looking at a Chinese screen.
Does Norton know about this automatic driver updating? Are they certain these websites are perfectly safe?
Browser is IE9. Windows 7 with XP.
Would appreciate your advice about tasks I can perform to make sure I can use the Internet without worrying my computer is sending out sensitive information.