I bought the full version in early June. After upgrading Droid to ICS on June 30 all apps were fine except for Norton Mobile Security which reverted to the free version. Reported this on Google Play. Norton contacted after 4 days saying that this happened because of upgrade and requested I confirm that I have a Norton Community Account (had this for many, many years), so I confirmed that and they requested the IMEI and MAC address for phone. Sent all of that on Friday July 6. Heard nothing back. Sent it again. Nothing. Now today, Tuesday get contacted again asking me to supply same info since they apparently have not been getting my responses. I am replying to the address: Norton_Mobile_Support@support01.norton.com to a support person named Arpan Dutta...but they are not getting my replies...
What kind of support of this? I just want to have what I paid for OR get my money back at this point. I am a loyal user of many Norton products. I have never been so disappointed in the lack of service!