E-Mail contacts spammed

20+ contacts notified me yesterday they received a forwarded e-mail with a link they couldn't open. This all happened within a 5 minute period around Noon. They ended in junk mail, but I didn't know about them until the notes started coming in from contacts.


 I didn't recognize the link & immediately told everyone not to open it.  I was able to deciper that the URL on most of them is with a Canadian pharmacy- & 1 somewhere in Spain that I would never have visited intentionally.  There were another couple URL's.  I reported some of these to Hotmail as Spam before deleting them- but had deleted some before I did.


This morning, I deleted all contacts, changed passwords & security answers, etc.  but didn't change E-Mail Acct.yet. Should I?


One person received a new message today-   I have 3 URLS-  Can I report them to Norton for a resolution start? If not, who? Is there a reason these weren't picked up as spam when they came through?


My contacts are not happy with me right now.


THanks for any input

