E-mail notification/s containing link to “Access denied - You are not authorized to access this page" website page

I must say that I happened to notice what I’m reporting below quite often since the move to the new platform:

I’ve received these three e-mail notifications for the same new thread:

04-Oct-2014 | 5:05PM: MissMichelleT created Norton Anti Theft that was pre-installed but never activated.

I have been going through this issue for DAYS! Recently my laptop triggered this: ...


04-Oct-2014 | 5:06PM: MissMichelleT created Norton Anti Theft that was pre-installed but never activated.

I have been going through this issue for DAYS! Recently my laptop triggered this: ...


04-Oct-2014 | 5:08PM: MissMichelleT created Norton Anti Theft that was pre-installed but never activated.

I have been going through this issue for DAYS! Recently my laptop triggered this: ...

Why the double space is not accepted?  

Anyway, the link in all three notifications takes to:

“Access denied - You are not authorized to access this page”, as per this screenshot: