e7d1001e error when recovering laptop hard drive to new larger drive

Hi everyone.


Here's the story: I have been trying to upgrade my current laptop hard drive (320GB) to a new (500GB) drive. I made a cold backup of the current drive to a 2TB USB powered hard drive. I have replaced the current 320GB hard drive with the new 500GB in the laptop, booted with the recovery disc and attempted to recover the backup image, to the new drive. I have selected these options:



Set as primary partition

set drive active

restore original disk signature

restore MRB


I too have ensured as recommended on other posts (http://community.norton.com/t5/Other-Norton-Products/using-norton-ghost-15-to-restore-to-a-new-hard-drive/td-p/510308/page/5) to 'delete' any partitions so the target partition reads 'unallocated space'.


Anyway, I start the recovery of the image (~270GB) and it goes to ~99% and returns the error:


E7D1001E: unable to read file

00000002 - system cannot fine the file specified

My USB hard drive at this time is off, so I assume something is un-mounting my drive before completion.


I have also noticed that two other small partitions exist for the drive I am attempting to recover to. Do they need combining and deleting to unallocated space?


Anyway, long story short, does anyone have any ideas regarding this error. Are my settings correct?


My plan, if I cannot resolve this issue, is to:


removal all user data from current 320GB hard drive to external hard drive and make new, smaller OS recovery image. Then make two partitions on target drive, one formatted and containing the recovery image and the second unallocated to recover to. I will resize the partitions afterwards if successful. (The DISKPART method i believe it is called)


I would be grateful if anyone could recommended anything or check that my progress and current plans are viable


thank you