One of my Ghost base backup jobs now fails with:
"Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of Seagate1500 (F:\). Error E7D1001E: Unable to read from file. Error EBAB03F1: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. (UMI:V-281-3215-6071) Details: 0xE7D1001E"
I posted when this happened a few years back; the solution that worked until now, was to (as I read elsewhere solved this Ghost error message for others) increase IRPStackSize; and I did so when the error returned from time to time. But I can't increase it anymore as it's now set to the max of 50.
New year I'll be able to install a more current OS, but for now I need to back up on Windows XP Pro sp3 32-bit.
The 1.5TGB drive (source) whose base backups fail has 579GB in use; a 2TB hard drive (destination) contains nothing but this drive's backups (and currently has 1.2TB free space).
Any suggestions, please?
I wonder if I need (and if it would even help, I'm not sure I understand what type of "resources" are "insufficient") to reduce the amount of data on the source drive.
None of my backups are to network drives. The two drives I back up are on (the computer's only two) onboard SATA1 ports. The two drives the two Ghost jobs back up to are on PCI expansion cards:
The computer has:
Intel Pentium 4 Northwood 2 cores@ 3.2GHz
most current BIOS
WD VelociRaptor WD3000HLFS system drive
Hardware diagnostics (RAM, hard drives, CPU) and malware scans (SUPERAntiSpyware free, and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware all pass.
Nothing else is running when the backup job fails except Norton AntiVirus 2013 and Comodo Free firewall.