My default browser Edge shows error message below when accessing my wifi router and unable to reach out router top page. Chrome can access with no issues.
Please advise how to fix it.
I have not tried to uninstall Norton yet.
Thank you, I decided to leave it as is as long as Chrome can access to my wifi IP, it won't be fatal issue.
Very helpful. Thank you,
Thank you so much for your comments. I have tried to turn off VPN but it did not solve.
As long as Chrome can access to my wifi IP, I decided to leave it as is.
Thank you again for your kind advice. Very helpful with respect.
Thank you, I have now disabled firewall but then, the toast message has shown saying my computer is now at risk vulnerable exposing to virus and intrusions so I put it back.
As the other comments advised that as long as Chrome can access to my wifi IP, then, this won't be fatal error.
Thank you so much for your attention and kind advice. Very helpful with respect.
Tunnel_connection_failed sounds like an issue with the VPN feature. If you have the VPN feature tuned on, turn it off and test.
Try disabling Auto protect and firewall first before uninstalling Norton.
Norton right down corner of the screen - right click - disable firewall - 15 minutes
Norton right down corner of the screen - right click - disable auto protect - 15 minutes
If the problem persists its not Norton, if it doesn't try re-install with remove only, step 5 option two