1. You may have been searching all wrong
If you want to search a specific site begin your search with ‘site’.
For example, if you want to find an alien story on The Sun website type ‘site:thesun.co.uk alien’
To find the dictionary definition of a word type ‘define’ in front of your search.
2. Little words are a no-no
Common words like ‘a’ and ‘and’ are known as ‘stop words’ and are ignored by Google.
However if they are in a specific phrase or quote they will need to be included.
For example if you were looking for a film quote such as “we’re gonna need a bigger boat” put it in quotation marks for maximum results.
3. Google has a sense of humour.
The ‘Did you mean’ tag can either be a friend or an enemy but it can also be funny. Type in ‘anagram’ to find a gem.
4. You can still play Pacman
In May 2010, the Google Doodle was an interactive Pacman game which cost the nation 4.82 million man hours in time-wasting. You can still idle away a few hours by searching ‘Play Pac-man’ into the search.
5: You can make Google flip out
Type ‘Do a barrel roll’ into the search box and watch as your browser gets acrobatic.
Another good command is ‘askew’. Try it.
6. You can make your own Google logo
You can make your Google page your very own with Goglogo
With Goglogo, you can personalise the Google logo to whatever text you want.
7. It’s a calculator
For a quick answer to a maths equation just type it into the search engine
It’s quicker than Stephen Hawking on a good day.
8. Google Sphere is amazing
Fed up with a flat screen Google?
Google Sphere will get you in a spin in the coolest way possible.