I guess I’ll be surprised if anyone answers. I have ten days left on my trial, liked the program very much and was ready to purchase. A few days ago, Norton flagged an email I was sending to my cousin as Spam. There is no where that I can see to report it or to change it. We have been emailing back and forth for several weeks. I now have to use an online email progam so I can continue writing to my cousin… If no one can help, the best I can do is uninstall Norton and try another security program. Too bad the support options are so lacking.
Thank you so much for the quick response. I'm using Norton Internet Security with Windows Live Mail (Windows 7 Pro). It seems wierd that Norton would block a message I'm sending. I would have thought it more likely that it would flag incoming messages.
I really hope it can be taken care of. I dropped another security program after they upgraded it and the pop-ups became unbearable, not to mention it started interferring with programs I wanted to install and with updating my video card. I was only a few weeks into a new subscription, but would have been happy to count it a loss because I thought Norton IS was so much better. This is really frustrating.
Hope you can advise me.
Are you sure it was Norton flagging the message and not your email client? Can you upload a screen shot of any message?
For instructions on how to upload a screen shot see http://community.norton.com/t5/Forum-Feedback/Forum-Tip-How-to-post-screenshots-in-the-forum/m-p/254415/message-uid/254415#U254415
I tried sending another message to take a screen shot (I have a program for that) and this time (twice) it went through. It was definitely flagged by Norton before. I tried the support “chat” feature, but only was given inappropriate links. I called charter and was told that when Norton flags it as spam, Charter blocks it, so it was a combination of the two. Here was the norton error message: 550 5.2.0 2TQj1j0085GedK705TQj75 Message Identified as SPAM - Please visit http://www.charter.com/postmaster E5110 (That link led to a useless generic Charter web page.) I will likely purchase NIS because I did like it much better than the last edition of (paid for) Avast. Hopefully the issue is resolved since Norton’s tech support is dismal. Maybe all security companies are like that. Avast was no better. I do appreciate this forum! Thank you for responding.
Hello 33lizmar and welcome to the Community. You said you would be surprised if anyone answered your post... There are a lot of people out there willing to help others, when they have questions or problems. Even if something comes up and they can't help you with an answer, someone will usually post a link that will help you get your answer. Give them a chance. Also to help get support, from a real person, use the On-Line Chat support link. Most comments about the On-Line Chat service say they were very helpful and quick to respond. Hope you don't need to use them but they are there if you need them. (Needed to correct chat link)
The reason I wondered if I would receive an answer is because I glanced down a few pages and saw a lot of posts with no answers. Wasn’t having a great day so not feeling optimistic. I did try the Chat support, and they were quick, but unable to help. Instead I received a group of unhelpful links - I tried to ask in a few different ways and always got the unhelpful links. Actually it felt more like an automated experience. Maybe the timing wasn’t good or maybe the question was too unusual. Anyhow, I was more than pleasantly surprised at the help from the forum and apologize for my negative feelings. You were wonderful. And since Norton has seemed somehow to fix itself, it was a happy day all around!
Glad to here things are working again.
Please do not give up on Support if you need it again. Sometimes it can take some time and a couple of possible solutions before we can get it right.
I guess I’ll be surprised if anyone answers. I have ten days left on my trial, liked the program very much and was ready to purchase. A few days ago, Norton flagged an email I was sending to my cousin as Spam. There is no where that I can see to report it or to change it. We have been emailing back and forth for several weeks. I now have to use an online email progam so I can continue writing to my cousin… If no one can help, the best I can do is uninstall Norton and try another security program. Too bad the support options are so lacking.